Janie Maedler wasn’t planning on raising a medical cannabis activist. She just wanted the best possible treatment for her young daughter’s rare medical condition. But half a dozen years later, her daughter Rylie, now 13, has been instrumental in the passage of three medical cannabis laws in Delaware, one of which is named for her…

Our Mission
Rylie's Smile Foundation is a 501c3 non profit focused on bringing the smiles back to sick children and their families by helping them achieve a better quality of life though providing education, assistance, advocating for more treatment options and supporting research of less toxic therapies. To read an excellent article and learn more about Rylie - Cape Gazette Article

Education & Consultations
Rylie's Smile Foundation is dedicated to helping families make the safest choices concerning less toxic alternative therapies through education, clinical research and expertise so that they have a better treatment outcome and/or quality of life.